MED 610 / MED 670

Technology: Polyjet

11 med610 polyjet

The Polyjet photopolymer biocompatible MED610 is a transparent, bio-compatible, material that is medically
approved for temporary in-mouth placement.
Can be used for orthodontic appliances, delivery and positioning trays, full and partial denture try-ins, surgical guides. The material is ideal for applications requiring prolonged skin contact of more than 30 days and short-term mucosal-membrane contact of up to 24 hours. Bio-compatible material has five medical approvals including cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, delayed type hypersensitivity, irritation and USP plastic class VI. (Biological testing: Parts printed according to Objet MED610 Use and Maintenance Terms were evaluated for biocompatibility in accordance with standard DIN EN ISO 10993-1: 2009, Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices-Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process. This addresses cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, delayed hypersensitivity, and USP plastic Class VI, which includes the test for irritation, acute systemic toxicity and implantation.)

MED 670 is a natural peach-tone material with high quality detail, strength and durability, mainly used for dental models but not really biocompatible.